Wednesday, November 27, 2019

10 Signs Youre in the Wrong Job and Need to Quit

10 Signs Youre in the Wrong Job and Need to Quit We all know a job is a good thing to have- even, sometimes, the wrong  job. But if you’re in a job that truly isn’t the best one for you, then it might be time for a change. If you’ve started to feel unchallenged or miserable at work and find yourself simply going through the paces to get through to the weekend, then it might be time to start asking yourself questions. Staying in a bad job too long can damage your career. Here are 10 ways to tell if your current job is all wrong.1. There isn’t enough money in the world that would make you happy.It’s not just that you’re not being paid enough. When you ask yourself how much you should be making, you still experience that sinking feeling in your stomach that says you just don’t want to be there. Honor that feeling. If not even a big fat raise can make you feel good about your current job, it’s time to start looking elsewhere.2. You’re getting bad feedback.Not just once or twice, but often- and consistently. This job just doesn’t come as naturally to you as it does to your coworkers, and it’s making you feel bad about yourself. Take some of that feedback to heart and learn to accept your limitations. Then take responsibility for yourself and your career and find a place where you’ll be a better fit.3. You’re just not passionate about it.You listen to people talk about their businesses and their exciting jobs with envy. You could care less about your company and what you do, and you certainly don’t think it’s interesting enough to bring up at dinner parties. Start by rethinking what you are passionate about, what you actually like to do, then see if you can’t find a job doing one of those things instead of what you’re doing now.4. You can’t be yourself.There are plenty of companies out there that want you to be a corporate automaton, but these are fading out of popularity and being replace d with companies who make it their mission to encourage their employees to be who they are. If you have a big personality, stop trying to pound yourself into the wrong-shaped hole. Find a better fit.5. Your industry is dying.Rats are running from the sinking ship. You know it’s over. Your company knows it’s over. Your industry’s time has run out and you’re witnessing its steady decline. Instead of going down with the ship, why not figure out way to take your skills and market them in a new industry?6. Your boss hates you.It’s not just that you don’t like each other; your boss really seems to be out to get you. If this is you, and your work situation has become toxic, there’s probably nothing better you could do than find a way out.7. Your commute is killing your soul.Or even if it’s really not that bad, you just hate your job so much that the process of getting up in the morning and making your way there fills you with dread an d sloth. This is a pretty good sign that you need a change.8. There’s a ceiling.There aren’t many (or any) opportunities in your company for you to advance. Even if you don’t actively hate the job you have, it’s probably not a great idea to stay in a job that won’t allow you to work your way up.9. Your work/life balance has no  balance.Work/life balance is incredibly important. Make sure you’re not burning out. Some jobs will always be more intense than others, but keep in mind that you won’t always be young and you want to stay healthy enough to be able to get through your whole career in one piece. If a job just won’t let up, it might be a good idea to move on.10. You’re not learning.The minute you stop learning new things and being challenged is the moment that you are officially stagnating. This is always a bad idea, in the work world and in your life. Find a way to constantly push yourself to learn and try new thi ngs. And find a job that will let you do this to help maximize your career growth and potential.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Argument Structure in English Grammar

Argument Structure in English Grammar The word argument in  linguistics  does not have the same meaning as that word in common usage. When used in relation to grammar and writing, an argument is any expression or syntactic element in a sentence that serves to complete the meaning of the verb. In other words, it expands on whats being expressed by the verb and is not a term that implies controversy, as common usage does. Read about the more traditional sense of argument as a rhetorical term  here. In English, a verb typically requires from one to three arguments. The number of arguments required by a verb is the valency of that verb. In addition to the predicate and its arguments, a sentence may contain optional elements called adjuncts. According to Kenneth L. Hale and Samuel Jay Keyser in 2002s Prolegomenon to a Theory of Argument Structure,  argument structure is determined by properties of lexical items, in particular, by the syntactic configurations in which they must appear.   Examples and Observations on Argument Structure Verbs are the glue that holds clauses together. As elements that encode events, verbs are associated with a core set of ​semantic participants that take part in the event. Some of a verbs semantic participants, although not necessarily all, are mapped to roles that are syntactically relevant in the clause, such as subject or direct object; these are the arguments of the verb. For example, in John kicked the ball, John and the ball are semantic participants of the verb kick, and they are also its core syntactic arguments - the subject and the direct object, respectively. Another semantic participant, foot, is also understood, but it is not an argument; rather, it is incorporated directly into the meaning of the verb. The array of participants associated with verbs and other predicates, and how these participants are mapped to syntax, are the focus of the study of argument structure. -   Melissa Bowerman and Penelope Brown, Crosslinguistic Perspectives on Argument Structure: Implications for Learnability (2008) Arguments in Construction GrammarEach part of a complex construction has a relation to some other part of the construction in construction grammar. The relations between parts of a construction are all cast in terms of predicate-argument relations. For example, in Heather sings, Heather is the argument and sings is the predicate. The predicate-argument relation is symbolic, that is, both syntactic and semantic. Semantically a predicate is relational, that is, inherently relates to one or more additional concepts. In Heather sings, singing inherently involves a singer. The semantic arguments of a predicate are the concepts to which the predicate relates, in this case, Heather. Syntactically, a predicate requires a certain number of arguments in specific grammatical functions to it: sing requires an argument in the subject grammatical function. And syntactically, arguments are related to the predicate by a grammatical function: in this case, Heather is the subject of sings. -   Willi am Croft and D. Alan Cruse, Cognitive Linguistics  (2004) ExceptionsNote the unusual behavior of the verb rain, which neither requires nor permits any arguments at all, except for the dummy subject it,  as in Its raining. This verb arguably has a valency of zero. -   R.K. Trask, Language and Linguistics: The Key Concepts  Ã‚  (2007)Conflicts Between Constructional Meaning and Lexical MeaningIn cognitive linguistics, it is generally assumed that grammatical constructions are carriers of meaning independent of the lexical items they contain. The lexical items used in a construction, especially the meanings of the verb and its argument structure, have to be fitted into the construction frame, but there are cases where a conflict between constructional meaning and lexical meaning arises. Two interpretive strategies emerge in such cases: Either the utterance is rejected as uninterpretable (semantically anomalous) or the semantic and/or syntactic conflict is resolved by a meaning shift or coercion. In general, the construction imposes its m eaning on the verb meaning. For example, the ditransitive construction in English exemplified in Mary gave Bill the ball is in semantic and syntactic conflict with the syntax and meaning of the ditransitive construction. The resolution of this conflict consists in a semantic shift: the basically transitive verb kick is construed ditransitively and coerced into the interpretation cause to receive by means of hitting with the foot. This meaning shift is possible because there are an independently motivated conceptual metonymy  means of action for action that makes the intended interpretation available to the hearer even if he or she has never before encountered the use of kick in the ditransitive construction.  Klaus-Uwe Panther and Linda L. Thornburg, The Oxford Handbook of Cognitive Linguistics (2007)

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Energy Resource Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Energy Resource Plan - Essay Example Energy conservation is important because it is good for the environment and good for your wallet. Many exciting developments have occurred in the study of energy conservation over the past few decades. This is especially true in the field of renewable energy. Renewable energy is so named because it comes from sources that will not be depleted over time. Solar, wind and geothermal energy are all considered renewable energy sources. Non-renewable sources are carbon-based fuel sources such as coal, oil and natural gas. The shift towards using renewable energy resources for home needs is gaining momentum because it is less damaging to the environment and is becoming cost effective. All of us as members of the Home Owner’s Association can do some simple things to conserve energy. The first is to be sure that our homes are all insulated completely. This will ensure that heating and cooling systems are working to make homes comfortable, not trying to cool or heat outdoor air. The sec ond thing we can do is to work on installing the most energy efficient appliances, furnaces and air conditioners. These may be more expensive in up-front cost, but will pay themselves off over the years in energy savings. Finally, we can all begin to consider incorporating renewable energy resources in our home energy system.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

First and Second Industrialization Wave Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

First and Second Industrialization Wave - Essay Example It originated in Great Britain and then made its way through Western Europe, Japan, North America and finally spread all over the world. With the Industrial Revolution every facet of life and living was affected in some way or the other. Prolonged growth of income and population started to take place. In the centuries following the Industrial Revolution, population increased six times and the world’s average income increased ten times1. The time period during which the Second Industrial Revolution lasted (1867 - 1914) has been named ‘The Age of Synergy’ by Vaclav Smill2. The Second Industrial Revolution was characterized by a number of factors. New tools were made of stronger and more durable metals like aluminum and alloys like steel were introduced as well. New substances were used as fuels including petroleum and natural gas and the method of handling business also changed. A small description of the highlights of the Second Industrial Revolution is given below . Forms of business that had never been seen before came into existence and labour became more organized. The heavy industry was capitalized by monopoly, cartels and banks. Monopolies are huge organizations which control the every part of the industries. A cartel is composed of different ventures and fixed prices as well as production allowances and hence cutting down the competition which caused prices to reduce. Germany had a strong base of cartels and banks there protected there investments by cutting the competition down. Trade unions were formed by workers which allowed them to have better working hours and also have some allowances enabling them to improve their condition. The workers made use of strikes to get what they wanted from their employers. By the time the First World War started three to four million workers were part of unions although the total workforce was five times that number of workers. The strikes were mostly walkouts but a few were of a violent nature as we ll ( The social and political power was in the hands of the middle class relative to their economic power. The middle class had a variety of groups. The middle class divided into three classes- upper, lower and middle. The lower middle class was comprised of people working for the class above their own. They were mostly shopkeepers, traders, and peasants. The middle class comprised of doctors, lawyers, merchants, well off merchants as well as professionals in the Civil Services. Due to the expansion of industry because of the Industrial Revolution this middle group kept getting more additions. The new additions were engineers, accountants, architects and chemists. These new additions formed professional institutions to symbolize their worth. Between the lower middle class and the lower class, there was present a group of workers who were basically salesmen, bookkeepers and secretaries. They were paid a little more than the working class and mostly had no proper ties of their own. They were intent on improving their social statuses and worked hard to achieve that target, succeeding most of the time ( A distinct character of the Second Industrial Revolution was that peasants and artisans were put out of business and they were replaced by machinery and skilled workers who could operate

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Work Health and Safety Essay Example for Free

Work Health and Safety Essay Queensland workplaces operate under the framework of the â€Å"Work Health and Safety Act† (2011). This Act outlines how to protect and balance the health, safety and welfare of all workers at the resort or workplace. The WHS Act also provides protection for the community so that their health and safety is not placed at any risk by work undertakings. At this resort as an employer, our responsibility is to make a risk assessment and to put in place the measures that are necessary for the health and safety for all employees and others, including customers and visitors who come to the hospitality venue. This responsibility is called duty of care. It is needed to organise work systems, equipment and training to minimise risk of illness or injury. This would include health and safety work areas, safe equipment, protective equipment, safe access, security, safety training and supervision. You as an employee; whenever you are working in a hospitality workplace you must be aware of your legal duty of care. You must work in a safe manner and follow all safety instructions and work as you have been directed to correctly use or wear any safety equipment or personal protective equipment, such as gloves or hair covers. You must inform your employer about any hazards, injuries, faulty equipment or safety concerns (Sturt University, 2014). The Safety, Health and Welfare at Work (General Application) Regulations 2007, include more detailed legal requirements dealing with specific issues of health and safety at work such as noise, electricity, pregnancy at work, manual handling of loads, etc. Manual handling includes lifting and carrying boxes, putting down, stacking shelves, pushing, pulling or moving a weight, can lead to a risk of injuries to workers, (particularly to the back and repetition injury). The most common injuries experienced in this industry include sprains and strains. These injuries occur due to pushing, pulling or over working during the manual handling process. Strains and sprains can result from common day-to-day activities such as serving customers (e.g. balancing trays, leaning through the drive-thru window to serve customers, bending to pick up objects), and working in the kitchen (carrying hot  liquids, pushing fryer cleaning equipment, lifting and carrying full hot pans and pots). There is a high risk of chance to injuries for those who are young workers, male workers and night workers. Stress/fatigue can also lead to mental conditions such as depression and anxiety and increase the risk of accidents and injuries. It has been shown that staying awake for 17 hours has the same effect on performance as having a blood alcohol content of 0.05%. If an employer works more than 48 hours within a week, the individual begins rise levels to fatigue, and affect the health and safety. It is important for the employees to stay healthy, this means, the employer and employees will struggle to do the occupation right. Slips, trips and falls are an unavoidable issue that can contribute workplace injuries and accidents. For example, many accidents in the Hospitality Industry can cause injuries in a cafà © and restaurants such as slips, trips and falls (University Sydney, 2014). These are generally due to lack of housekeeping practices such as water or oil spilt on the floor. W hen this issue is assessed the potential for slips, trips and falls, it is important to look at out of sight areas such as freezers, cool and storage rooms, stairways, loading docks and behind bars (Worksafe, 2012). Case Study 0.2 â€Å"Good Afternoon Administration of the Hotel Industry† Sustainability has been a recent key factor of an organisation for the industry departments. A sustainable business industry is about maximising the businesses potential without corrupting the environment. The environmental sustainability is the outcome of consuming resources, involving making decisions and taking the interest of protecting the environment and to reduce the negative impact on it (Legrand, 2007). Hotels have many benefits that are being implemented into sustainability in the hotel such as cost reduction, improved process efficiency, reduced environmental impacts and enhanced company image (Arthur, 2009). Therefore, integrating sustainability into business planning, policies, practices and training should be considered standard practice. Waste management is a main key issue with the hospitality industry. There can be times where our hotel and others as well loses customers due to the fact of construction of the  industry services. This would cost the hotel more money when purchasing items and materials. It is important for the industry to improve strategies for a good waste management plan. Recycling significantly decreases the total of waste going to landfill. This can reduce the waste costs in the Hotel if less gatherings are needed for general waste. With recycling, this will save money on waste costs as less gatherings for general waste will be needed. Resources such as plastic, paper and wood should be maximised to improve environmental sustainability. For the hospitality industry to improve the environment sustainability, it is needed to reduce, re-use, recycle and treat waste that cannot be avoided, to make this hotel industry less hazardous. In industries recycling is the practice of gathering and sorting materials such as paper, plastic and glass (Rai, 2009). This means that the raw materials that have been used previously are being used into new products, helping with sustainability and resource mana gement. Usually items and materials such as containers, boxes or bottles are being thrown away. With this we can contribute the thrown materials and being aware of the products by putting recycling and re-use policies into place. The use of energy is also another way that our industry can practice sustainability. Throughout the hotel, changing light bulbs to energy efficient light bulbs, turning off lights and computers after the end of the day can minimise the amount of energy that all industries uses. (Tourism WA, 2014) For the industry to improve it is suggested to switch to environmentally sustainable energy sources. This will help for the industry to minimise the amount of energy that our and other industries consumes. Water is another issue for the hospitality industry to be sustainable. Water is a needed resource for the hospitality industry due to its lack and its role with the amount of activities during the day in the property such as food production, energy use, bathrooms and outdoor facilities. For the industry to reduce the waste of water it is important that minim ising water waste minimises the cost. Implementing water saving will save money and help Australia to conserve its water resources. This will also save the energy bills as hot water requires significantly. Employing water saving techniques such as installing low flow shower heads or taps are becoming a more common practice within the hospitality industry. Reducing waste, energy and water consumption can save money and improve the industries environment and sustainability. â€Å"So don’t  just waste bills down the drain. Be more efficient in reusing, recycling and conserving water and energy within the hotel.† Bibliography (1) Transpacific – Recover Recycle Reuse (2014) (2) The University of Sydney (2013) Manual Handling (3) Academia (2012), Implementing Sustainable Practices (4) Queensland Government (2011) Dangers in you Workplace Last updated 16 April 2013 (5) Office of Regulatory Services (2010) Stress Last updated 23 December 2011 (6) Sustainability Development Practices (2009), Potential Strategy for Sustainable Development (7) Best Practices in Sustainability (2007) (8) Industry Examples of Sustainable Practices (9) WorkCover Occupational Health and Safety in Hospitality (2003)

Friday, November 15, 2019

International Logistics Essay -- essays research papers

Logistics is the designing and managing of a system in order to control the flow of material throughout a corporation. This is a very important part of an international company because of geographical barriers. Logistics of an international company includes movement of raw materials, coordinating flows into and out of different countries, choices of transportation, cost of the transportation, packaging the product for shipment, storing the product, and managing the entire process. The concept of logistics is fairly new in the business world. The theoretical development was not used until 1966. Since then, many business practices have evolved and logistics currently costs between 10 and 25 percent of the total cost of an international purchase.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  There are two main phases that are important in the movement of materials: material management and physical distribution. Materials management is the timely movement of raw materials, parts, and supplies. The physical distribution is the movement of the firm’s finished products to the customers. Both phases involve every stage of the process including storage. The ultimate goal of logistics is to coordinate all efforts of the company to maintain a cost effective flow of goods.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  There are four logistics concepts: the systems concept, the total cost concept, the after-tax concept, and the trade-off concept. The systems concept is based on all functions of a organization working together in order to maximize benefits. This concept sometimes requires certain components of the organization to operate suboptimally in order to achieve maximum goals of the system. The total cost concept is based on the systems concept, however goal achievement is measured in terms of cost. A variation of the total cost concept is the after-tax concept. This goal of this concept is after-tax profit. This concept is becoming very popular because of the many different national tax policies. The trade-off concept links the system together in a way that is very efficient, but can have trade-offs that might be inefficient. The advantages of such high efficiency must be weighed against the risk involved.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  One of the largest obstacles of international logistics is geography. The distance and manner materials must be shipped is the most important step in inte... ...anagement is based on the fact that a company needs to have a division that helps control the local-adaptation needs. Dealing with different cultures requires input from the local branch. The managers that deal with the cultural differences on a daily basis normally know what works and what doesn’t.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Outsourcing is the final option for logistics management. When this happens, transportation firms concentrate on logistics, and the company can concentrate on it’s production. There are many cost savings using this type of program, however that lack of control can negatively effect many companies.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  International logistics requires many different options and requirements to be met in order for a company to operate internationally. It’s like a big puzzle that must be put together, in order for all the goals to be met. As described above, there are many options to consider, and sometimes what appears to be an option really isn’t. It is not difficult to hit a road block, and you must start over with a new plan. Once the logistics plan is in place, you must constantly look for improvements in order to maximize profits and goals.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Laos Wedding

Laos Wedding When I watched the Thai movie Lao Wedding, I remembered Khru Poi’s wedding and compared how similar the weddings are. The movie’s premise is very interesting. The movie started with the female protagonist, seen as anxious and nervous about the wedding. She called her fiance and we learned that they haven’t really been together for so long yet they will marry. The male protagonist is a magazine writer/photographer form Thailand while the girl is from Laos. The guy is sure about their wedding, but the girl is a bit worried.But eventually, the wedding went on as planned. I found the setting very interesting, it’s in Laos, and it seemed like it was in the provincial area since there were only a few people shown. When the couple are going out in restaurants and clubs, there are only very few other customers, most of the time the establishments are even empty. The town seems very quiet and peaceful, very different from the city. I think it was inten tional that the setting was placed there, to compare how different it is from the usual city life.It was really interesting to see the different customs and traditions of Laos wedding ceremonies. I also compared it with the Filipino wedding and it was quite similar especially the part where the parents of the ones to be married talk about the event. Overall, I find the film okay. I was not totally jumping about it. It wasn’t really boring but I just found that not much happened, not much comedy, not much romance. But I find the movie interesting because of the real life situation/dilemmas couples from different countries face.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Gattaca Film Study Essay

Gattaca is often portrayed as a quest film. A quest film is defined as â€Å"a character that is on a journey or adventure with an ultimate goal in mind of completing a task or to obtain an object of significance.† (Merriam-Webster, 2012) The quest often involves overcoming challenges and to do this the character learn something about him/her-self and this then aids them on their â€Å"quest†. Being a quest film, Gattaca shares many characteristics that are often found in other movies of a similar genre. Examples of these include – Pirates of the Caribbean and In Time. Pirates of the Caribbean, is told with the protagonist as Captain Jack Sparrow on a quest to help him obtain immortality. The characters in both Pirates of the Caribbean and Gattaca share many similar traits; they are both after a strongly desired goal and will take the necessary risks to succeed. Gattaca, being produced in 1997, had many cutting edge ideas with such vision leading directors of the time. It was set in what was though the not so distant future of today would look like. It gives us an insight into a world based around the genetically superior, where genes are all that matter. The main character Vincent Freeman has dreamt of becoming an astronaut his whole life but, due to being conceived naturally and receiving a life expectancy of 30 years. He is cast aside in society, labelled a â€Å"Degenerate† and â€Å"Invalid†. Vincent soon learns he will never be able to move ahead in life; to fulfil his dream Vincent uses a â€Å"Borrowed ladder† from a genius named Jerome Eugene Morrow, who is a paraplegic due to an accident overseas. The term a â€Å"Borrowed Ladder† comes as the protagonist Vincent impersonates the life of Jerome thus using his identity. After months of special care, training and changes to his looks, Vincent enters the Aerospace Corporation known as â€Å"Gattaca†. Impersonating Jerome, Freeman becomes the company’s top navigator with a perfect record and clean slate by working hard and working hard to keep his real identity a secret; he is chosen to go on a manned spaceflight to Saturn’s moon Titus, but complications arise. One week before departure, when one of the managing directors is bludgeoned to death. An â€Å"Invalids† profile; Vincent’s old identity, is uncovered by investigators and this threatens to jeopardise his chances of going to Titan. After managing to avoid being caught by using precautions such as placing samples of DNA supplied by Jerome around Gattaca and even receiving help from a young lady, Irene; with whom Vincent develops feelings for. He ends up finally leaving Earth on due course for Titan. Pirates of the Caribbean on Stranger Tides (2011) Pirates of the Caribbean on Stranger Tides (2011) The Pirates of the Caribbean series are another group of quest movies opened by introducing the goal of the main character, Captain Jack Sparrow. He is always on a quest in search for personal well fortune and benefits. He uses his friends throughout these many adventures, and alike Gattaca, the Protagonist is able to achieve his own desires. During Gattaca, Vincent is aided on several occasions, one being when Irene hides his true identity from the authorities to help him complete his goal/mission. Irene does this; I think because she can understand where he is coming from as she has personal experience suffering in a world where genes are everything. The movie ends with Vincent successfully making it onto the space craft headed to Titan; the ending adds a sense of success but subtly hints to deep sadness with two lines, â€Å"They say every atom in our bodies was once part of a star† and â€Å"Maybe I’m not leaving, maybe I’m going home†. The movie reaches a climax when Vincent is almost discovered by his brother (the leading detective on the case), but manages to get past this by telling his brother that â€Å"he always gave 110 percent†. The quest is completed, as shown in Pirates of the Caribbean, when Captain Jack Sparrow finally manages to overcome a final obstacle and regain ownership of his beloved ship, the Black Pearl. This is exactly the same in Gattaca with Vincent overcoming the final problem of his identity getting potentially exposed by a medical examiner giving him one last routine urine test. It is shown through a simple line that the examiner has known his real identity all along. He achieves his goal and boards the spacecraft without any further problems Vincent achieving this goal shows to us that no matter what ones, goal or dreams are, overcoming the problems you are faced with will ultimately help you in achieve it. Gattaca is a good example of a quest movie because it clearly explains what the goal of the protagonist is and once it has established this, it shows how he overcame his many problems to achieve an ultimate goal. There are many attractions for the audience with many special filming techniques and suspenseful moments utilizing a constant beat to add effect and drama. There is a specific scene in the movie where Vincent is meant to be at home sick but instead is unable to be there so he tells Jerome to impersonate him. There is a problem with this, as to open the door and greet the detective, Jerome must climb a stair case. Without the use of his legs Jerome finds this a challenge because he is a paraplegic. The suspense builds as Jerome struggles up the stairs, racing to get to the top before the detectives reach the door. As you would expect, one last moment effort from Jerome manages to keep the detectives from discovering who he really is. Irene plays a vital role in this scene by acting as if Jerome is Vincent, when she herself is only just finding out the truth. Overall, Gattaca is an excellent example of what a quest film should include. It has a strong story and the director utilizes many techniques with the music, lighting and even camera angles to top it off. The protagonist overcomes challenges; his genes as a place marker for him in society, almost becoming discovered as an â€Å"Invalid† and a brother who is close to exposing his secret. I think that the quest, his personal dream of travelling into space is worthwhile as he learns about himself while doing it.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Missing Person Christina Morris

Missing Person Christina Morris On August 30, 2014, Christina Morris of Fort Worth, Texas, disappeared from a mall parking garage after spending an evening visiting with friends in Plano. It was several days before anyone realized that she was missing. Here are the most recent developments in the Christina Morris case. Remains Found in Wooded Area March 2018- Found by construction workers, the Collin County Medical Examiner identified remains found in a wooded area of Anna, Texas as those of Christina Morris. Hair Samples Delay Arochi Trial Oct. 28, 2015 - The trial of a man accused of kidnapping a missing Fort Worth woman from a Plano, Texas shopping center in August 2014 has been delayed so that investigators can run DNA tests on hair samples. Enrique Arochi had been scheduled to go on trial November 30 for the kidnapping of Christina Morris, but a judge has delayed the trial until possibly June 2016 to give Texas Department of Safety investigators time to conduct tests on hairs retrieved from a vacuum cleaner where Arochi worked. Police believe Arochi used the vacuum to clean out his 2010 Chevy Camaro shortly after he was seen walking with Morris into a parking garage at The Shops at Legacy in Plano. Other hair from Morris was found in the Camaros trunk opening and on a mat inside the trunk, authorities said. Investigators discovered more hairs inside the vacuum cleaner at a Sprint store where Arochi was a manager and where he showed up for work hours after Morris disappeared. Officials expect DNA testing on the hair to take up to 12 weeks. Morris, 24, has been charged with only aggravated kidnapping in the case. He has been in jail without bond waiting for trial since December 2014. Mom Still Searching for Christina Morris Aug. 30, 2015 - A year after a 23-year-old Texas woman disappeared after walking into a mall parking garage after visiting friends in Plano, her mother hasnt stopped searching. Jonni McElroy, the mother of Christina Morris, plans to continue until her daughter is found. McElroy told reporters a year after the incident that she hopes the man accused of abducting her daughter will someday reveal her whereabouts. Im not going to stop searching, McElroy said. Why would I? Theres no reason. The only reason is when I find her or have an answer. She said that she believes Enrique Arochi, a former classmate of Morris and the man accused of her kidnapping, knows where her daughter is. It is my hope that he will finally say something, McElroy said. According to court records, investigators believe that Arochi left the parking garage at The Shops at Legacy in Plano with Morris in the trunk of his vehicle. Her blood and saliva were found on the edge of the cars trunk. Her cell phone was pinging various cell towers while she was inside the trunk of his vehicle, police said. They believe he returned to the parking garage with Morris still in the trunk and then returned to his home 40 minutes later. Authorities believe Arochi planned to sexually assault Morris and became angry when she rejected his advances. Arochi has maintained his innocence, and his attorney said the police account of events is based largely on conjecture and speculation, and leave many questions unanswered. The next hearing in the case is scheduled November 30. Grand Jury Indicts Arochi Mar. 10, 2015 - The suspect in the disappearance of a Forth Worth woman has been indicted by a Collin County grand jury on charges in two separate cases. Enrique Arochi, 24, has been indicted for aggravated kidnapping in the case of Christina Morris, who vanished August 30. Arochi was also indicted on sexual assault charges stemming from a sexual relationship he had with a 16-year-old girl between Oct. 22, 2012, and Feb. 22, 2013. According to court papers, Arochi told the girl that he was 19 years old when he was 22. He is being held on $100,000 bond on the child sex charge. Arochi is also under $1 million bond for the aggravated kidnapping charge. Man Arrested in Christina Morris Case Dec. 13, 2014 - The man last seen on surveillance video entering a parking garage with a missing Texas woman has been arrested in connection with the case. Authorities said inconsistent statements and DNA collected during the investigation led to the arrest of Enrique Gutierrez Arochi in the disappearance of Christina Morris. Arochi, 24, who was a high school friend of Morris, was charged with aggravated kidnapping, a first-degree felony. Morris and Arochi had been partying with other friends in Plano, Texas on the night she vanished. They left the party at 3:45 on August 30 and were captured on video entering a parking garage together at 3:55 a.m. Although investigators showed Arochi a still photograph of he and Morris in the garage, he denied that they were in the parking facility together. According to an arrest warrant affidavit, DNA evidence indicates that Morris left the parking garage in the trunk of Arochis vehicle. Data from her cell phone also shows that she was in his vehicle, although he told police she was never in the car. There were other inconsistencies in his statements to police: Arochi said Morris was arguing with her boyfriend on the phone as they entered the garage, but his cell phone was used to text her boyfriend at 3:50, 3:53 and 3:55 a.m.Arochi said he must have loaned Morris is phone because hers was not working, contradicting himself, according to court papersHe said he drove straight home from the garage, but Toll records show that he took a different route to this Allen, Texas home.He told detectives that Morris had never been in his car. DNA collected during the investigation may have contradicted that statement.He lied to police about how the front end of his Chevy Camaro was damaged, according to auto body repair experts. According to an affidavit filed in the case, Arochi walked with a limp when he showed up for work following the weekend and told an employee that his ribs hurt. The employee saw a bite mark on Arochis arm that he blamed on a fight the night before. Arochi is being held in the Collins County Jail on a $1 million bond. Where he is also on a federal immigration hold, officials said. Missing Womans Boyfriend Busted for Drugs Dec. 10, 2014 - The boyfriend of a 23-year-old Texas woman, who vanished under suspicious circumstances in August, has been indicted on drug charges which authorities said are unrelated to the disappearance of Christina Morris. Hunter Foster, who police said has an alibi for the night that Christina disappeared in Plano, has been indicted along with 14 other people on drug conspiracy charges. The charges are related to a drug trafficking operation. Foster was arrested at a northwest Dallas strip club where an after-hours operation takes place, according to police. Family members told authorities that Christina had been upset with Fosters drug activities and had threatened, shortly before she vanished, to leave him because of it. Meanwhile, investigators have been looking into the high school friend of Christinas who was seen walking into the Plano parking garage with her the night she disappeared on August 30. Enrique Arochi said the two went their separate ways after entering the garage, but Christinas car was found unmoved in the garage. Police believe the only way that Christina could have left the garage undetected by surveillance cameras was in Arochis vehicle. In September, they requested a search warrant for Arochis car, claiming in the warrant that he intentionally made false statements that hindered investigators in locating Morris. Also in the warrant, detectives said Arochis vehicle had sustained damage and had recently been detailed. Fort Worth Woman Reported Missing Sept. 6, 2014 - Plano, Texas police have asked the publics help in searching for a Fort Worth woman who vanished after walking into a parking garage with a friend near a shopping mall on Saturday, Aug. 30, 2014. Christina Marie Morris, 23, who was visiting friends in Plano, was last seen near The Shops At Legacy and walking with a friend into the parking garage at 5717 Legacy Drive early Saturday morning. She and her friend parked on opposite sides of the garage and walked separate ways shortly after entering the garage; the friend told police. Police Release Surveillance Video Plano police have released the surveillance video of the two walking into the parking garage just before 4 a.m. The guy (in the video) is a friend of hers from high school. They had been at a friends apartment hanging out and walked back together, Plano police spokesman David Tilley told reporters. Reported Missing Tuesday, Sept. 2 Although she was last seen around 4 a.m. Aug. 30, it took a couple of days for friends and family members to realize that she wasnt returning anyones calls and no one had been in contact with her. Consequently, her parents did not file a missing person report on Morris until Tuesday, September 2. Police quickly located Morris vehicle still in the parking garage. They say her cell phone is either turned off or her battery is dead. Her cell phones last usage was traced to The Shops At Legacy mall. Canvassing the Shopping Mall This week Morris mother, Jonni McElroy, went to the shopping mall and canvassed the merchants in hopes of finding anyone who was in contact with Morris before she disappeared. Im not leaving. I will not leave here until I find clues to find my daughter, she told reporters. Morris boyfriend also got involved in search this week, turning to social media to seek help in finding her. Using Social Media Im worried sick and will do anything to get any information on the last time anyone has seen or talked to her please help and pray that she is ok, he said on Facebook. Police are involved, and we are going to find her and whoever has taken her or whoever she is with. His efforts apparently helped when more than 60 volunteers turned up Saturday, Sept. 6, to search the area around The Shops At Legacy mall. Volunteers Search Mall Area Working with the Plano police, the volunteers - described as family, friends, and friends of friends - were organized into groups of four to search the fields, bushes and storm drain around the mall and garage area. They were looking for any sign of Morris or any of her belongings. Each group of four volunteers included a Plano police officer, Tilley said. August 30 Photo Shown In the composite photograph of Morris above, a photo from her Facebook page appears on the left, while the picture on the right is one that police say was made the night she disappeared, showing how she looked and what she was wearing. Morris is described as 5-4 and 100 pounds. She has brown eyes and blonde hair. Anyone who has information about the case is asked to call the Plano Police at 972-424-5678.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

College Essay Writing Tips

College Essay Writing Tips College Essay Writing Tips This guide is devoted to college essay writing tips presented by professional essay writers for those who have many essays to write and yet lack time to read through lengthy guidelines. We believe that the whole process of college essay writing can be condensed into eight specific steps. Of course, each step requires varying length of time and scope of your attention. With our help, college essay writing is no longer a nightmare! If you find the following college essay writing tips useful and yet do not feel like writing a good essay tonight, you may confidently rely on our college essay writers and get your assignment done by professionals! Eight College Essay Writing Tips Tip 1: Brainstorming This is the first step of college essay writing. You need to think about the topic, decide on the specific aspects you want to cover, write down all thoughts running through your head in the process of topic analysis, and be ready for the next step. Tip 2: Outlining The second step of college essay writing is outlined creation. Why do you need a college essay outline? College essay outline helps you organize your ideas more effectively as it allows presenting your thoughts in a logical manner. Tip 3: Freewrite During this third step of college essay writing, your task is to turn ideas into sentences and paragraphs. While your essay may not be perfect from the very beginning, the purpose of this step is not to write a final draft but rather to expand your outline. Tip 4: Edit Now is time to edit your first draft. You may add additional ideas, expand paragraphs, add transitions between the paragraphs, check referencing, and do all other vital elements which affect the quality of your college essay writing: Tip 5: Second Draft So, we have reached the step when first draft is turned into second draft. It should be well-written, logically organized, and answer the essay question in full. You need to check your college essay for all vital aspects and requirements of the instructor. Tip 6: Edit Draft 2 Basically, you need to look at the whole essay with the special attention paid to the grammar, mechanism, spelling, and other mistakes which might have been left without your attention in the process of writing. Tip 7: Print Essay Sounds easy enough and yet you need to print your second draft of college essay. Sometimes, when you have a printed copy at hand, editing process becomes much easier as you start noticing many mistakes including organization, length of paragraphs, and flow of ideas. Tip 8: Proofread Finally, proofread your final draft one more time prior to submission. If you are fully satisfied with your work, do not hesitate to submit your assignment. If not, you may go through steps 5-7 over again. Read also: Example of Argumentative Essay Essay Term Paper on Doing Business in China Term Paper Editing APA Paper Format Literary Essay Hamlet

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Going Global-Issues in International Business Case Study

Going Global-Issues in International Business - Case Study Example Stropki as the president, chairman and CEO who was the seventh chairman of the organization. The operating income and net income of the organization increased significantly in the year 2005. The CEO introduced several strategies to expand their businesses in global market place. The study will discuss about the issues associated with business expansion strategies in global market place. Global Welding industry Welding is the most supporting activity in several industrial activities. Any two metals can be effectively or strongly joined through welding process. Arc welding is considered as the predominant method of welding. However, as of 2005, the welding industry became a 13 billion US dollar industry. Welding products play a key part in development of several important and strong structures around the globe. Welding products are highly required in civil and mechanical field. Day-by-day, the production and sales of welding products are increasing due to intense market demand around t he globe. North America, Europe and Asia Pacific are the major regions of welding industry. Global Strategies and Issues The first major global expansion of Lincoln Electric Company occurred between 1986 and 1992. The organization established 22 different manufacturing plants in 15 emerging countries around the globe during this period. The organization purchased the assets from an Australian organization named Air Liquide in the year 1987. The organization followed aggressive business expansion process based on their enormous success in US market. The organization followed aggressive acquisition process in Brazil, Norway, Scotland and Mexico. However, these acquisitions have resulted huge operating losses. In spite of profitable business operation in US market, losses in international market place forced the organization to borrow money from different entities to distribute rewards and bonus for the US employees. In terms of acquisition process, the organization undertook several i n adequate decisions. It is true that economic condition, access to market and resources cannot be similar in each and every country. Wrong market information and lack of in-depth primary research in international markets forced them to redefine their strategies after a certain period of time. The organization developed a series of determined financial goals, but the organization still depended upon its market growth rate in US to meet these organizational goals. Issues in Japanese, South Korean and Chinese Market The company faced several problems in selling the products in several emerging Asia Pacific countries, such as Japan, China and South Korea. The distribution of the organization in Japan was very limited. Lincoln Electric Company did not have any kind of access at the commodity end of the Japanese market. In addition to this, the organization had limited after sales support capability and limited in-country demonstration service facility in Japan. Therefore, it was difficu lt for the organization to achieve high-tech sales growth. The products of the organization sold in Japanese market as niche products for small groups of customers. The organization suffered from huge operating losses due to this factor. Lack of manufacturing plants, limited access to the market, improper decision, making strategy affected the business performance of the organization in Japan. In addition to this, the products were not optimized for effective and required application in Japan. Actually, the

Friday, November 1, 2019

4 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

4 - Assignment Example It is unethical to gamble with human life regardless of race, gender or social status for the sake of economic prosperity. Furthermore, this drug was banned in the US and Europe as it was responsible for massive liver damages. b. It is unethical to test drugs on children during the time of emergency. That is gambling with human life which is against the human rights. Chances are that the drug may destroy immune systems of the patients and lead to a high number of casualties. Lack of proper health care in developing countries does not mean that these people are lesser beings or are immune to toxins; this should not be an excuse. 2) Since hiring the child would be unlawful, the executive may opt to take care of the child by himself or look for a guardian locally or overseas. There are many people who would be willing to help the child to meet her daily needs. However, if the guardians are unwilling to live with her, then she may be taken to an orphanage. 3) a. Look at the oil excavation from two perspectives, the good side of it and the bad side. Think about the effect on the environs and the people. When the good outweigh the bad, then you can proceed. However, if there is any form of doubt safely etched at the deepest parts of your hearts, then abandoning such a task would be the plausible thing to do. b. Outsourcing may or may not a company’s best bet. However, outsourcing would be the best option when a company needs to speed up the production process and increase the quality of their output. Division of labor ensures that parties partake on tasks that best fit them. 4) It would be ethical to outsource the production process to developing countries when the company is facing the problem of the high cost of production and low sales returns. The most reasonable thing to do would be to look for cheaper labor even if it means job cuts for employees in the mother country. Failure to do so would lead to losses